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I am a doctoral researcher at the University of Northampton in the UK. My research examines the potential link between psi, spiritual experiences, and dietary practices – especially fasting and vegetarianism.

My thesis focuses on these studies:

  • Interviews of professional practitioners of psi who use fasting and/or vegetarianism to support their work in order to understand the phenomenology and mechanisms for why these dietary practices might be conducive to psi.
  • A survey tool to understand this potential relationship in more general populations.
  • Laboratory experiments testing psi between people with different diets to examine the effect eating meat and dairy and fasting have on psi abilities.

Outside of my PhD I am interested in the environmental and ethical aspects of veganism, and am a trustee of Climate Action Ilkley, a charity which aims to help tackle the climate and ecological crises through projects and awareness-raising local to our town.

I have a background in software engineering and in professional and managerial roles to support scientific research at the Universities of Manchester, Leeds, and Manchester Metropolitan University. In 2021 I retired from paid work to focus on parapsychology research and environmental activism.

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